01 February, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

a) I, Jared Gonzales, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Officer Jaycon Sanchez
c) Mentorship Log
d) Completed my 18 week training at the Sheriff's Training and Regional Services Explorer Academy, attended my weekly meetings at Baldwin Park PD Explorer Post # 654, worked 2 events (a Christmas event and the Rose Bowl), and went to my first competition at Chandler, Arizona.

For my 18 week program, I would have to wake up at 4:00 A.M. to make it to class at 6:00 A.M. and it would last all the way until 5:00 P.M. The program was not easy in any way easy to complete and required me to sacrifice 18 weekends, yet in the end it was worth it. On top of this, I had to attend my weekly meetings on Wednesdays which lasted 4-5 hours. At these meetings I would physically train for half the time with my post and then we would spend the rest of the time practicing for competition at Chandler, Arizona. All my work came together in one weekend (January 19-21) when I graduated from the academy and then immediately traveled to Chandler to compete.

 Day 1 at the Academy
 Day 1 at the Academy
 Me getting my head shaved.
 Teambuilding activity.
 Classroom time.
Colors Run.
Personal Defense Training.
Firearms Training.
CPR Training
Getting thrashed by the Drill Instructors.
My graduating class.

Since my Independent Component was training exactly mimicking that actually given to deputies, it was the best possible foundational work for my topic of law enforcement. It not only taught me facts and information, but also prepared me physically and ultimately gave me the officer's perspective. Everything from the drill formations, to the physical training and runs, the classroom work, the firearms training and CPR, and the hands on police scenario's has given me an indepth look at law enforcement usually reserved just for those who attend the actual academy and graduate.

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