30 September, 2012

Second Interview Questions

1. When did your tour as an police officer start and how long have you been on the force?

2. What college education do you have and how has it affected your performance in your line of work?

3. What type of training did you receive before your tour began?

4.  What responsibilities are entrusted to you as a Baldwin Park police officer?

5. Where do you see yourself as far as your career is concerned 10 years from now? 

23 September, 2012

Blog 4: Project Reflection and Working EQ

The Pentagon 

1. Positive Statement: What positive thing has happened as a result of what you have completed so far. 
One positive result of what I have completed so far is my new found appreciation for all those who serve in law enforcement. Law enforcement is not an easy and is unsuitable for those looking for a walk in the park career. Everyday you face the possibility of being killed just because of your involvement in keeping the peace. You are held to the highest level of scrutiny and your actions speak volumes for not only yourself but law enforcement throughout the country. As my mentor put it "law enforcement is a job that is hard to acquire and so very easy to lose". I refer to America's peacekeepers as heroes now. 

2. EQ Content: Pick a piece of research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
My interview was a very enlightening moment for me, for I gained in-depth information from an officer who has been on the force for several years now. It allowed me to see law enforcement from the perspective of an officer and gain a better understanding of the career. For example, my interview with Officer Sanchez helped me to see that law enforcement is a very tough career but the payout is knowing that you are bettering the community and protecting the innocent. 

3. What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
The service learning has been the part that has worked best for me so far. There is a lot of information to be learned at my Explorer Post and practicing the police scenarios with the Explorers was a fun experience. 

4. What hasn't worked so far?
So far everything is working out fine so far. Diverse research is starting to become more difficult to find online, but I plan to start using books on police to supplement my research. 

5. Finding Value: Based on your experience so far,
  • What possible question or questions come to mind regarding what you would like to study this year?
    • "What skills or traits help keep an officer calm and alert when performing his day to day duties?" and "How does one continue to improve his or herself to make themselves a better officer?"
  • What is your end goal this year with your senior project?
    • My end goal for my senior project is to earn the title of Explorer, to continue at my Explorer Post where I will help the local community and attend competitions with the post, and to continue growing into a better citizen for my country. 
  • Who would you like to talk to you next? Why? 
    • The next person I would like to talk to would be Joe Taylor, a family friend who has been with the LAPD for 15+ years now. He has served on the force through some of the most eventful times in LAPD history and has extensive information on the inner workings of law enforcement. An interview with him would set me on the right path to discovering more about my senior topic. 

19 September, 2012

Blog 5A: Science Fair Problem Statement

1. Topic: Law Enforcement

2. Problem: In recent years, there has been a increase in the number of police brutality cases reported throughout the U.S. Once I solve the problem, I would submit my findings to my local police's internal affairs department to use as an aid as they deal with police brutality cases submitted to them.

3. Problem: Many police departments across the country are having reliability issues with the weapons that are being bought and issued to police officers. Once I solve the problem, I would submit my findings to the L.A.P.D. to use as they see fit to find a more appropriate service pistol.

11 September, 2012

Interview Preparation


1. Who do you plan to interview? Why?

I plan to interview Officer Jaycon Sanchez of the Baldwin Park Police Department because he is an officer who has been on the job for a few years now and has served with many other experienced officers.

2. What additional questions do you plan to ask? 

What drove or inspired you to want to become a police officer?
What would you say is the most enjoyable part of your job?
What does your daily schedule on the job consist of and is there any consistency to it?
Do you have any advice you could give me?

06 September, 2012

Blog 2: Topic Choice


A. My senior topic is on Law Enforcement because it is a career choice I am considering to follow in the future. The fact that an officer of the law leaves his residence everyday knowing that that day could be his last is nothing less than inspiring. For this reason and a couple more, I’ve always considered wanting to be a part of team that works day and night to keep the people safe. If I did pursue law enforcement as a career, I would want to work my way up to being a detective in either homicide or vice. By devoting this year to exploring this topic, I will be able to make the decision of whether or not law enforcement is for me.


iPoly Citizen: I plan to work with my fellow Police Explorers in a team to give back to the community by serving at the community events that they oversee. In the Police Explorers “You never leave your partner behind” and “No one person can accomplish everything on his own”. These very values are at the core of their training and this will make me a better I-Poly citizen as I take on a new understanding of what teamwork truly is.

Effective Communicator: I plan to learn how to communicate effectively with others in high pressure situations such as the police scenarios the Explorers practice. During a situation, an officer needs to be able to communicate with his team and dispatch so that the proper information that could save lives is sent out. Improving on communication with the Explorers will do much to make me a greater effective communicator.

Effective Learner: I plan to become a more effective learner by undergoing the rigors of the Police Explorer Academy where I will be placed in a very intense learning atmosphere. On the days I attend the academy, from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., I will be expected to put my all into understanding all the information they throw at us while also being prepared for any sort of pop quiz or test they feel they want to give us that day. All that I take from my learning at the academy will help me to be a more effective learner.

Effective User of Technology: I plan to become a more effective user of technology by learning how to utilize the technology the police use to keep peace, from items such as radios to all the different components inside a patrol vehicle. Once I acquire this information and complete the academy, I will be able to go on ride-alongs with the officers where I will assist him while he is on patrol.